Here are 8 reasons why we loved our experience.
1- Stimulating venue that favours exchange.
We were propelled into an extraordinary and immersive environment that
invites thinking differently. The amenities of the different staged
areas, including the rest areas, in conjunction with the formula used
for the different activities proposed, encouraged meetings and exchange,
even with complete strangers!
2- Creativity is everywhere
The speakers, coming from various spheres of activity, generously shared
their knowledge and lead us to think further on a multitude of themes
and subjects. We had the chance to listen and interact with people who
think the world differently, allowing us to broaden our horizons on a
variety of topics.

3- Interactivity
Clever use of technology lead participants to play an active role,
allowing them to influence the evolution of their experience on site,
even the content of conferences!
4- Engagement of all senses
To remind us of the importance of each of them. Such as during the activity Dans le noir by
blocking the participants’ sight, was intended to stimulate efficient
communication and active listening. Amusing way to develop teamwork
5- The Art of Storytelling
The A different story conference featured five speakers that
explained their strategies for telling a story. We were particularly
impressed by Alexandre Amancio’s presentation on “transmedia”, a tool
that puts the audience at the heart of the story and gives it an active
rather than a contemplative role in storytelling. The possible
correlation with the architecture is obvious and inspiring.

6- “Tomorrow”
The theme chosen this year, presented through the various workshops and
conferences, allowed our team to question how we act today and our way
of shaping the future. In short, to reflect on our commitment to
participate in the world’s change.
7- Finding inspiration through the work of other creators.
The experience allowed us to meet creatives that use different methods
and inspirations. We had a crush for artist Daniel Arsham who, through
his openness and the integration of several disciplines into his art,
proposes a process of collaborative creation that demands amazing
sensitivity. We came out inspired.
8- Curiosity and listening
Always looking for ways to improve our work relations, the Cultivating Relational Intelligence at Work workshop
showed us that curiosity and good listening are powerful tools in
working relationships, and that the quality of said relationships
influences our success.

The 2019 edition of the event has just ended and as we pleasantly reflect on the last few days, we find that it allows us, even if for just a few days, to gather with colleagues and exchange on topics we rarely have time to discuss on the day to day. We come out of this experience inspired and with renewed creative energy.