Clinique médicale Fémina

Femina: embracing femininity with delicacy
Located in the heart of Quebec City, the Femina clinic provides dedicated care for the physical and psychological health of women. Offering services such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, kinesiology, and massage therapy, the clinic has focused its practice primarily on soothing the various discomforts of the body in its natural transitions.
To embody a place of well-being and trust for this targeted clientele, the new spaces were meticulously designed to create a soft and comforting atmosphere, far from the sterile ambiance often associated with healthcare clinics. To embody strength, wholeness, and femininity, curves are emphasized. Therefore, angles have been rounded, both structurally and in the choice of furniture.

The color palette, consisting of light and neutral tones, is complemented by carefully finished materials, creating a sensory experience that beckons a touch. From the moment visitors step inside, they are enveloped in an environment with an ethereal and subdued ambiance.
Spread over two floors, the layout is elegant, free of any excess, and prioritizes natural light. As such, a large ribbed glass door used to delineate the space reserved for employees also allows natural light to flood the area. Sage green tones bring a touch of freshness with the support of some plants, and notes of natural fibers such as rattan from the luminaires placed here and there, adding a more textured dimension.